[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago

They didn't put new money into the purchase, they rolled their pre-existing shares over. Dorsey did the same FYI.

Y'all are giving this idiot waaaay too much credit when it comes to scheming behind the scenes. It was a really poorly thought out pump and dump, nothing more. There's no big evil master plan; he's just really that stupid, and rich enough to constantly fail upwards. With Xitter we're just seeing his xitty ideas in their purest form, without the influence of the handlers he has to manage his bullxit at his other companies.

Although I have to say, the accidental brilliance of going with branding that's so phonologically flexible is pretty fantastic, the jokes can write themselves now. But I doubt advertisers are going to appreciate the fact that their interactions on Xitter are colloquially becoming known as xcrements now...

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 year ago

I think it's more along the lines of the "it's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em" sentiment

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago

I mean... take your pick on who he hasn't paid, there are pleeeeenty of examples out there. He even lost the ability to engage in arbitration over the unpaid severance because he didn't pay the mediators lmfao. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=twitter+unpaid+bills

Serious question for you- why are you defending him? Like, the information demonstrating he's kind of stupid and a terrible person is so easily available to you. At this point you have to actively work to remain ignorant of it, and his history of trying to claim accomplishments that aren't his own. Why bother?

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 year ago

Outside of TOTK, I really enjoyed playing Minish Cap. The story, I'm meh on, but the gameplay was a lot of fun! It's almost a tie between that and ALttP, but I actually haven't ever finished the later which means the former wins out, for me anyways.

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 year ago

Red pill/blue pill was written as an analogy to the experience of trans people, as well. The ignorance with how they've co-opted the concept runs quite deep.

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 6 points 1 year ago

He literally fired the team in charge of that 😆

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 year ago

Oh just stop with this nonsense. Your statement about "convoluting factors" demonstrates your complete and total ignorance of the strength and weight and sheer amount of evidence behind mRNA technology available at this point. Antivaxx talking points rely on these fundamental misunderstandings and ignorance, lmfao at your attempt to condescend to lay people in this way when you clearly don't even know how RCTs are run or fundamentally work. There are actually decades of research behind this stuff at this point, this misinformation is tired and old. And so easily disproven by listening to people who understand the science, who work with the science, who have engaged with the evidence. And to pre-emptively rebuttal against the appeal to authority you might be chomping at the bit to make- being a pioneer a few decades ago in the field means nothing if you haven't kept abreast to new discoveries, innovations, and evidence. I can just see you being "part of the community" as a lab manager or something, a pencil pusher at best, nothing more and certainly not someone with the training to understand the statements you're making.

The fun part of this whole issue is that since SCOTUS has recently established people can bring forward made-up cases based on "what ifs" for violating fundamental rights and causing harm, someone in the US could plausibly sue people like you for the potential harm you may cause, because we're talking not just about a mountain of biological and medical research, but an overwhelming amount of epidemiological data as well. Literal population-level bodies of evidence concerning how much harms views like yours have caused. Fun, eh?

Medical doctors who didn't follow the evidence deserved to be spoken over and shut down by their peers. If you fail in your fundamental understanding of what your job is, the basic science behind medicine, you shouldn't be practicing anymore.

And if we're talking about comparisons to things like lobotomy, again, and I'll say it slow for you so you can follow closely- The. Strength. Of. The. Evidence. Matters. When the evidence that lobotomy is incredibly harmful and not treating the issues it was purported to treat in any way became overwhelming, guess what? The standards changed. When the evidence is overwhelming yet you still cling to conspiracies, you deserve to be shut down, no one owes you a platform for your deceit and lies and misinformation.


A really good read, and it delves a little into the etymology of "drag" in addition to the intersectional history which I thought was pretty fascinating!

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 21 points 1 year ago

lpt- reuters only uses a soft paywall, you can bypass it pretty easily by opening articles in an incognito/private window

[-] oneofthemladygoats@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 year ago

tbh I've found the opposite approach to be a lot more successful- the base weapon doesn't matter as much as the monster parts I use. Once you start getting a couple of silver bokoblin horns to fuse with, the weapons system "experience", so to speak, improved a ton. The higher-level monsters become a bit easier to tackle, so it becomes a positive feedback loop after that for better monster parts.


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