[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 3 points 8 months ago

I’m not getting this, at least not yet.

Maybe it’s because I run Pi-hole; I know it filters out a TON of Roku’s telemetry and other traffic. Might be worth setting up Pi-hole on your network and see if stuff like that goes away?

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 17 points 8 months ago

CTRL+R to search previous commands can help cut down on the number of times you have to scroll up!

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 12 points 9 months ago

Mozilla’s “least to most creepy” ranking is the best resource I’ve found so far:


[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 6 points 10 months ago

I also feel many don’t understand the full extent, either. They’re used to using fairly secure devices in their everyday life (often not realizing how much the software they install is also spying on them), so why wouldn’t these IoT things also be secure?

In my experience, it’s all very vague and ethereal until the risks are highlighted for them. “So what if Google can read all of my emails? What could they possibly do with that information, anyway; why should I care?” is an example of a portion of a real conversation I’ve had.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

Hey, that’s totally fair and I am definitely of a similar mindset when it comes to reducing e-waste.

Do you have any significant coding or hardware skills?

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 2 points 1 year ago

To add, I found a thread of someone attempting to find use in the same router. They seemed to have made some minimal progress over the last year, but it doesn’t appear they have anything functional yet. Seems the processor has little known about it, and there is precious little storage onboard.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

I guess my first question would be: do you have a need that device can fill, or are you looking to take on a project for some other reason (education, boredom, etc.)?

I honestly don’t see to what great use a router (and modem) that was discontinued a decade ago can be put that couldn’t be accomplished with less complication and less power draw by using a modern device. I’m not trying to rain on your parade, but knowing nothing else about your situation I don’t know that I can see any utility in a device like that anymore.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 21 points 1 year ago

That was a fun read, thank you.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

I honestly wasn’t super familiar with WebView until you asked!

It looks like WebView is a stripped-down browser, more than anything else. It can leverage different rendering engines depending on the platform, and on Android it looks like it leverages Blink just like Chrome.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 18 points 1 year ago

Technically, WebKit is Apple’s rendering engine (Safari).

Google uses Blink, which is a fork of WebKit, but is its own thing now.

So, you can still use Safari without directly contributing to Google’s de facto rendering engine monopoly.

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 1 points 1 year ago

I hear you, and fair enough, but I think the fact that none of these gaming-specific phones has physical controls like you described built in speaks to how impractical that ask is.

And I think it’s important to note: there’s weren’t just powerful phones (in fact, many of them seemed to get bested by other phones in more benchmarks than they won), they were specifically marketed and sold as gaming phones; that was the specific niche that Asus, Lenovo, Razer, and others all sought to fill. Despite that, and despite basically all those companies having a ton of general experience building gaming hardware of one sort or another, none of them thought it was a good idea to include physical input methods on-device. They pretty much all have accessories that turn it into something looking akin to a Switch or DS, but none had them baked into the actual phone.

And I honestly think that makes a lot of sense. Thumb sticks aren’t super pocket-able, and I feel like even if they could be made to fit into a pocket, sliding them in and out of bags and pants over and over would make them fail faster. And while A/B/X/Y buttons might be more reasonable on that pocket-ability metric, do you want to smush them (or thumb sticks, for that matter) against your face while you take a call?

While current controller-esque buttons and thumb sticks remain the primary input method for games, I really don’t see gaming phones including those input methods within their physical form factor. It might be a limitation of my imagination, but I just can’t envision how one would make that work (and it seems I am not alone in that).

[-] mreiner@beehaw.org 0 points 1 year ago

I mean, Asus and nubia have been making a gaming-specific phone for many generations now. Razer even gave it a try back in 2018, but I don’t think they released any follow up devices.

Lenovo also made a couple devices, but announced earlier this year that they’d be discontinuing their gaming phone business.

There seems to be a fan base and market for gaming-specific phones, but given Lenovo and Razer got out of the game and the fact that you haven’t seemed to have heard of any of these devices/product lines: my guess is that they are super niche.


I just watched Joe Scotto’s new YouTube video, where he walks you through the basics of setting up KiCAD and designing a simple macro pad PCB. I am actually super excited to use this knowledge to design my own stuff now!



I've ventured far too deep into the custom ergonomic columnar-staggered mechanical keyboard rabbit-hole, and I think I've finally found myself at my endgame (for now, anyway lol): the Hillside 46.


Please see "questions" section at the bottom regarding why, how, and if I should use the ESD protection on the right-half, left-half, or both halves of this split ergo-mech keyboard build.


In constructing this board, I came across a part of the circuit design that has confused my non-expert brain: the ESD chip and decoupling capacitors. At a theory level, I understand that it protects the board from electrostatic discharge (presumably, specifically, the microcontroller) and the damage it can cause. What is weird to me is that this is the only keyboard out of the several split-mech-ergo boards I've built that have featured this protection circuit, and even within the Hillside family of keyboards, the version with 46 keys that I built seems to be the only one with this protection circuit which makes the decision even more perplexing to me.

Given that this is a split-keyboard design with a reversible PCB, there are footprints for the SRV05-4 ESD chip (datasheet here) and decoupling capacitors on both sides of the PCB though they appear to be wired up differently depending on the side of the board you're using (schematic here). On the "top" of the PCB (left side of the keyboard), you would solder the ESD chip with pin 1 at the top-left position. I did this and everything works fine.

On the "bottom" of the PCB (right half of the keyboard), the connections to the pads seem to be mirrored from the "top" of the PCB, but it looks like that was done so in a way that would not allow me to invert the ESD chip, with pin 1 at the bottom-right of the footprint, and still have everything work. I definitely can't keep pin one at the top-left of the footprint on the "bottom" of the PCB, so I'm kind of stuck as to what to do.


  1. Are the ESD chip and decoupling capacitors necessary or just nice to have?
  2. If they are necessary or very useful, do I really need them on both halves of the board?
  3. Looking at the Gerber file, it seems like I might be able to mount the ESD chip to the footprint on the underside of the right-side PCB and still have it functional; is that correct?
  4. What is this ESD circuit protecting against, exactly? I assume it's potential voltage spikes on lines that shouldn't have them that can occur if I were to unplug one end of the audio cable while the keyboard was still plugged into power/USB; is that correct?

Thanks in advance!

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