never cry over spilled nazi.
christianity, since the roman empire adopted it at the very least, has been mostly a tool of appropriating warm fuzzy feelings and directing them towards a king.
capitalism was always been into lack of competition. it's not about markets, that's a more modern bullshit invention. it's about valuing ownership over labor. caring about the nobility rather than the peasants' labor, but with more contrivance.
mood on the free speech.
also, all the search functions are deliberately broken so they can feed you algo slop instead of letting you find the product you want.
well, a large language model.
it's a known nazi dog whistle, dude.
I don't know how much time you've spent around or in the milleiu of silicon valley, but there's a LOT of fascist shit there. all the major funders of this technology are literally fascists. many of them sig heiling nazis, or assholes who talk openly about the need for a fuhrer/king. this is not secret. one of them, without this technology, has helped multiple far right governments into power, aided multiple genocides, and turned all of your older relatives into nazis. one of them is known as 'the vampire of silicon valley'; the guy who invented the whole 'blood boy' thing (yes that's real) and has dedicated his vast vast fortune to ending democracy, likes to name his shit after stuff from LOTR; first big one was 'palantir'. look up what those are for in the books. since its modern resurgance, most of the investments from his VC fund have been in this technology.
im skeptical but open to that. it's just that these models are pushing pushed into literally everything, to the point they're hard to avoid. I can't think of another kind of specialized lab tool that has had that done. I do not own, nor have I ever owned, a sample centrifuge. I don't have CRISPR tools. I have never, outside of academic settings, opened wolfram alpha on my home computer. even AUTOCAD and solidworks are specialist tools, and I haven't touched any version of either in years.
because these models, while not good for anything anyone should ever actually want outside a lab setting, are also very very good for fascism. they do everything a fascist needs to, aside from the actual physical killing.
and I don't think the level of development and deployment that these tools get, along with the wildly inflated price of the hardware to run them (or anything else) and death of web search, the damage to academic journals, etc, is a net benefit. even to specialized researchers who have uses for specialized versions of them as the statistical tool that they are. certainly not to the fields over the long term.
yeah, it turns out the hyper-breeder anchor baby southern hemisphere first-language-not-english with a dumb incomprehensible accent immigrant who takes your job and destroys the country is in fact a real guy. and as usual, it's the fucker who was shouting this fascist garbage the loudest.
also doing lots of treason.
also super rapey!
fun how you didn't respond to a single one of my points. because you can't.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.
but also, and im not a mod of anything and this would probably get you banned a lot of places:
nazi shit needs to be shown for what it is. no more looking away. a century of looking away and pretending it couldn't happen here, that it wasn't happening here, that it was just about 'ethics in games journalism' or whatever bullshit is what got us here. show that shit.
if we keep looking away, we will keep letting it happen. I would rather see a few old photos of gore a bunch of times than have to smell them, or risk being them, every time I go outside. a state of affairs which we are perilously fucking close to.
edit: so please; post more gore. you might just be saving lives!