[-] mako@lemmy.today 1 points 5 days ago

Ignoring your source of, "trust me bro," a huge number of actual Americans in America think things are normal. How does that relate to interest rates?

[-] mako@lemmy.today 2 points 1 month ago

I'd like to relive the best times of my life with the FF I - VI bundle

[-] mako@lemmy.today 3 points 2 months ago

Nintendo Power would disagree

[-] mako@lemmy.today 9 points 3 months ago

I get that the heavier bowling ball affects the acceleration of the earth more than the lighter feather, but I don't see how that means it's falling faster as the meme is stating. The bowling ball would meet the earth first when dropped separately and from the same height because the earth is (imperceivably) accelerating toward it faster than it does the falling feather, but both the bowling ball and feather are falling at the same rate due to Earth's gravitational force.

Or am I missing something?

[-] mako@lemmy.today 60 points 4 months ago

Jesus Christ this thread is full of people who don't realize they're the judging hipster in the post.

Ubuntu isn't the entry level distro that you move on from once you've gotten your feet wet, and your not very subtle pats on your own backs for using something different aren't earned.

Does it do everything the user needs from it? If so, don't tell them that they need to "graduate" to a "better" flavor.

[-] mako@lemmy.today 22 points 4 months ago

Or Ubuntu could perform every task they need it to and never switch to anything else.

[-] mako@lemmy.today 14 points 4 months ago

Braver than most western journalists, who regurgitate the corporatocracies narrative and manufacture consent on their behalf.


Hopefully she's given a good job and granted asylum somewhere in the west ASAP, so she can go on with her life.


[-] mako@lemmy.today 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)


Not everyone of course but there's way too many people over there who will justify anything the Chinese government does or just ignore criticism by saying, "what about what the US does?!!?!"

How they cannot understand that the US and China are both dystopian hellscapes is embarrassing.

[-] mako@lemmy.today 22 points 4 months ago

There are very little, if any, benefits to using a VPN service to browse the public internet.

This is why it's often best to just avoid the comments completely

[-] mako@lemmy.today 30 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It would take a super genius to understand that they're either a non-native English speaker or made a simple typo/autocorrect issue. Also, since it's completely impossible to even guess at the point they're trying to make through the context of every other word in their comment we all owe you a debt of gratitude for calling this out!

Thank you, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, for adding something incredibly meaningful to the conversation and the world as a whole!

Oh no.. I just saw this comment in a different thread from 2 hours ago, and it MAKES NO SENSE:

Doctors today face a demand form their services that, while we can't guarantee will get them.jigher wages, can give them more leeway against unwritten political rules of speech.

What is a doctor's "demand form?" And "them.jigher" isn't a term I could find anywhere on the internet! I don't understand what the author, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, was trying to say! It's all just gibberish!

I feel good calling it out though. I'm sure that corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca will be grateful for my much-needed help and not think I'm a dick for detracting from their point to assert my knowledge of English grammar over them.

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