[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

You could find out about the way we do it at https://github.com/madnificent/docker-ember but I would not if I were you.

The real risk, today at least, does not seem utterly huge. Jumping in this rabbit hole of containers is another topic in itself. I suggest continuing your learning as you do now and maybe revisit this later. You will learn faster that way.

Feel free to check what we did on the link above and ask questions later or whenever you feel ready for this topic.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 6 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You shouldn't eat candy given to you by strangers. If you're in a large group and someone knows the candy, maybe. Code is food for your computer. Be wary. Our large Open Source group of friends has learned about many kinds of candy and shouts loudly when some in the group becomes ill. You don't want to become ill. Some risk exists, but with a large group it is generally ok. Don't install packages as root, don't install what you don't need.

I run my frontend builds through Docker (also during development). By isolating access to the host system to the files/folders necessary for development I've shielded off the majority of current realistic attacks I've seen as NPM based exploits. I'm certain the approach can be replicated for other frameworks, but we use Ember and docker-ember. I doubt it runs as smoothly on a non-Linux OS.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

I totally forgot about that :P That would be great indeed.

The PD trigger board may be much more involved/expensive though and I have not seen any budget battery banks supporting it. One can dream.

I expect consuming devices to adapt themselves to the three or four commonly provided voltages for the foreseeable future.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I have done this using a usbc power bank explicitly rated to 20v. You only need a usbc power delivery trigger (which are not expensive).

I used diodes from a washing machine to drop from 20v to about 18.8v in my case. These dissipate quite a bit of heat so my cable has an extra metal plate as heatsink. I would put the diodes in the middle of the cable if I'd make it again. It is good for keeping it topped up as the current is lower and the heat stays lower too.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

I had to read the overview and it looks nice. It reads like IPFS without some of the challenging cruft. Well written!

IPFS seemingly works small scale but not large scale. What makes tenfingers handle millions of files and petabytes of data better than IPFS? Perhaps that is not the goal. In what way do you think the tech scales? Why will discovery of the node which has the data be short?

I want to ask for benchmarks but you can't do a full benchmark without loads of resources.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

I'm not actively looking but please do share references! Other people may read this and they may want to know too. Perhaps I'll jump back in the rabbit hole at some point too 😁

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago

Exactly. The Semantic Web is broader than Solid but Solid is great for personal apps.

Say you buy a smartphone. The specifications of the smartphone likely belong elsewhere than in a Solid Personal Online Datastore, but they can be pulled in from semantic data on the product website. Your own proof of purchase is a great candidate for a Solid POD, as is the trace of any repairs made to it.

These technologies are great to cross the barriers between applications. If we'd embrace this, it would be trivial to find the screen protector matching your exact smartphone because we'd have an identifier to discover its type and specifications. Heck, any product search would be easier if you could combine sources and compare with what you already have.

The sharing tech exists. Building apps works also. Interpreting the information without building a dedicated interface seems lacking for laymen.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

IPFS would replace Content Delivery Networks in present day.

It would also allow you to host software and other content from your own network again without the constraints modern Internet Service Providers pose on you to limit your self-hosting capabilities.

If applications are built for it, it could serve as live storage for your applications too.

We ran ipf-search. In one of the experiments we could show that a distributed search index on ipfs-search, accessible through JavaScript is likely feasible with the necessary research. Parts of the index would automatically be hosted by clients who used the index thus creating a fairly resilient system.

Too bad IPFS couldn't get over the technical hurdles of limiting connection setup time. We could get a fast (ElasticSearch based) index running and hosted over common web technologies, but fetching content from IPFS directly was generally rather slow.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 8 points 2 weeks ago

The semantic web and social linked data. We could have applications share data without depending on big tech, but rather based on application standards.

It can be used today and gains traction but I wouldn't mind it going faster. Especially the interoperable personal app space could use some love and attention.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

Wow. So Global Aviation puts as much carbon in the air every year from a fossil fuel source which we can't put back than the unique and terrible wildfires Canada had in 2023.

We sure need to fly less!

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

To be honest, I didn't know by heart what we stated exactly. It says "Open source". When we ask we may well say "like a GitHub handle".

For people without much experience it can all be a bit daunting. They'll know about GitHub and it helps them identify what we're hoping to see. By now I expect links to open source work in a CV due to the nature of our company but it's not a requirement.

It's a balancing act in getting the right hints in a vacancy for people in the know and providing enough info for people who don't know yet.

GitHub wasn't all that bad years ago and it's easy seeing this find their way in HR forms and taking as long to be removed again. I certainly wouldn't shun entering a CodeBerg/GitLab/selfhosted url in a form where I should enter a GitHub handle.

[-] madnificent@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago

We also ask for a GitHub handle but when one supplies Codeberg or GitLab it's seen as very positive. Might not be the case for standard HR though.

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