[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 2 points 2 days ago

I like that ipfire is still going strong when many Linux router projects seem to be dying out.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago

I haven't used either command, but based on what I see in the manual, rcd tells rclone to start listening for remote commands whereas rc is used to issue remote commands.

Try it out by going to a folder with some files and typing: rclone rcd .

That should open a tab in your web browser with a list of your files.

There are situations where being able to send commands to rclone remotely would be helpful, but I'm not sure that you need to do that in this case.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago

I'm far from an expert, but I don't know of rclone doing versioning, or a continuous sync like syncthing. Also haven't used proton, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.

Stage 1 Run rclone config to set up the proton remote. rclone config should take you through a wizard and will eventually ask you to authenticate somehow with the remote. Once that is done and saved, you'll exit the rclone config wizard and be back at the command line.

Then you would run a test command like: rclone ls :

If it worked, you should see a list of files/folders on Proton. If not, you'll have to go back to rclone config and edit the remote to fix whatever went wrong.

Stage 2

Test out copying the folders with a command something like: rclone copy localfile/folder remotename:remotepath

Do some testing to get the hang of the command, but it is pretty straightforward.

Stage 3

I don't know how many files or how big the files are, but I assume not too many and not too big. I also don't know which version of Linux you have, but I assume you have access to systemd, cron, or both.

You'll make a basic shell script that runs the command you practiced in stage 2. Easy peasy, put it in a text file with a shebang at the beginning, make it executable, and give it a go. It should run exactly how it did when you typed the command out manually.

Finally, you will write a systemd timer or a cron/crontab entry to execute that script at some frequency.

So just to summarize:

  1. Setup the proton remote in rclone using rclone config
  2. Test out copying files to proton through rclone
  3. Write a basic shell script that runs the command to copy files from the desired local folders to the desired proton folders.
  4. Use one of the tools on Linux that lets you schedule the execution of scripts to automate running your copy to proton script as frequently as makes sense to you.
[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 2 points 3 days ago

All three of those links are very outdated - I do not recommend trying to use any of them.

Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do exactly? I know rclone is confusing to get started on, in part because it does so many different things and the documentation requires some background/outside knowledge.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 1 points 1 week ago

I host kitchenowl (https://github.com/tombursch/kitchenowl) on a cheap server on the internet for grocery lists, which my household finds to be very intuitive. It also has the ability to pull recipes from an existing url or input recipes manually. I haven't used the recipe functionality myself, but am inclined to start given I already use the app on a regular basis anyway.

I also experimented with / liked mealie (https://github.com/mealie-recipes/mealie/), which is more explicitly a recipe manager and has a nice interface with tagging and different ways to find/organize. Also a self-hosted type services, so it requires a little know-how to get going, but it looks like that dev is launching a hosted version (https://recipinned.com/) at some point as well.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 5 points 1 week ago

Other couple ideas to consider if job ambitions aren't a major thought:

Nim-lang / Mummy. Neat in being high level like python but compiled and can do low level stuff. Small ecosystem but good interoperability with c and Python. Can also compile to js. Target embedded to web, very flexible.

Also php. Some people say modern php looks more like java. Either way, lots faster than it used to be. Wildly productive language for web stuff. Laravel or Symfony frameworks.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 4 points 1 week ago

I guess, what I’d like to hear from you all is a way to jump back in as quickly as possible in such a way that it may be a career.

You might check job listings in your region/country to figure out what languages and technology stacks are in high demand, as where you are seems to matter a lot.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 4 points 2 weeks ago

I use xmpp. It happens to be a great fit for a private family messaging service. Good interoperability between modern clients. I get that "nobody uses it" is hyperbole, but the internet is a big place and there is room for services without mass market appeal to thrive.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 1 points 2 weeks ago

I don't think it was the point of your post necessarily, but I did want to mention a couple of things that might make the Linux switch a little easier - if not for you, anybody else reading and agreeing.

First, distrobox (https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox) is a nifty frontend for podman/docker that I think makes it a little more usable/accessible without having a PhD in devops. Basically helper scripts that create a series of simple CLI commands that let you launch a new environment, enter the new (or old) environment, do stuff in the environment, exit the environment. Keeps your core system's python separated from your development environment(s). Sacrifices the isolation qualities of containers in favor of usability, so probably ok for dev work on a desktop and not so much for production on a server.

Also, there are GUI applications for point and click management of distrobox - I use BoxBuddy, which is available as a Flatpak on Flathub, so again no interference with the core system provided it can run podman and flatpak.

Second, I know the php dev world figured out ways to abstract some docker complexity away with stuff like ddev (https://github.com/ddev/ddev) and lando (https://github.com/lando/lando). I wonder whether other languages have or will build that dev environment in a box abstraction on Docker/Podman/whatever.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is not about quality and costs

It is about quality and cost for the majority of purchasers that worry about meeting a budget. Virtually anybody making purchase decisions on some sort of surveillance system will grapple with that issue. My point is that we all tend to want the best performance for the least cost, and breaking that habit for the less tangible purposes of domestic security or human rights somewhere else is why we will continue to see these articles about Hikvision/Dahua cameras getting deployed at times and in places they probably shouldn't.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 5 points 1 month ago

Dahua and Hikvision are deployed everywhere because they are high quality and low cost. It poses an interesting dilemma (extending beyond cameras) for the U.S. and allies trying to break dependence on vendors under partial ownership and alleged control of the government in China. Should we subsidize domestic vendors to tilt the scale? Simply banning the high quality low cost option doesn't seem to accomplish much.

[-] leetnewb@beehaw.org 1 points 1 month ago

Fair, I presume you are correct in how it will be applied. That said, given that Reddit has only ever burned cash, there has to be some connection to gravity...I think?

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