I do drugs about it but I'm not a perfect role model.
At least they're prescription so there's an air of legitimacy.
I do drugs about it but I'm not a perfect role model.
At least they're prescription so there's an air of legitimacy.
I've been really wrestling with my own anti-violence and the now-obvious fact that violence gets results.
as we just elected them
That's because the system is rigged. We can only ever choose between one rich person and another.
I got a warning on an ADHD sub reddit for posting too much.
It's the biggest reason I stopped making memes.
Appreciate it but your comment got auto corrected on two instances of "causal" to "casual" by commie.
I do want to warn you it hits hard. The album hits hard and the visuals really twist the knife.
I was reading an article last night explaining what happened to Peewee Herman out loud to the boyfriend and it had in it a very poorly-aged quote from Bill Cosby defending Herman.
I'm allergic to corn, so I don't know if this is true, but if I pooped a food that was still whole I'd consider not eating it again.
The last time my boyfriend heard "colder than a witch's tit" he reached over and touched my boob ans said, "Well they feel pretty warm to me so you need a better system of measurement."
I'm probably gonna marry him.
I really want to do the Mediterranean diet but my foot is currently in a cast and I get my groceries done once a week and veggies around here straight up do not last.... so I'm struggling.
I would unironically enjoy reading this. And satirical buying merchandise and putting a Je-Who fish on my car.
Binged (the search engine) and binged (the eating disorder/content consumption method) look identical and this fucks me up.