
joined 6 months ago
[–] 2 points 43 minutes ago

Ach, T-Online bekommt das auch hin, ähnlichen Quatsch zu veranstalten.

Bei denen hatte ich Mal fast zwei Wochen kein Internet, weil sie die Zugangsdaten gesperrt hatten. Der Techniker und die Hotline haben drei Tage gebraucht, um überhaupt herauszufinden, was das Problem ist. Stellt sich raus, ich habe nie die Zugangsdaten für meinen Anschluss bekommen, dafür den vom Telefonanschluss meiner Oma, die im gleichen Haus wohnte. Irgendwann hatte ich dann eine Mitarbeiterin am Telefon, die mir erklärt hat, dass sie wohl eine Zeit lang versehentlich Internet-Zugangsdaten zu reinen Telefonverträgen angelegt haben und da dann mal aufgeräumt haben. Warum genau meine Zugangsdaten dann nicht zugestellt wurden, wusste sie auch nicht, aber der war wohl intern noch nicht aktiviert (nach mehreren Jahren).

Habe dann neue Zugangsdaten geschickt bekommen, aber bis der Brief da war, waren die wieder gesperrt, die Hotline wusste auch nicht warum. Der zweite Brief half dann endlich.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Try eject /dev/sr0, that should be your disk drive if it is attached via SATA or USB. /dev/cdrom is usually just a symlink.

[–] 11 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I don't use GNOME, but from what I've read (and from experience with other software that has extensions) they often break when GNOME updates.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

but had the genes

I'd say that falls under "birth lottery" as much as wealth inheritance.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

on my gaming PC, it never used the GPU.

In my experience, that is usually a problem with the GPU OpenCL drivers. Sadly, the Mesa OpenCL implementation didn't include image support when I last checked (you can check with clinfo | grep "Image support"). For AMD cards you need to have either the "pro" driver or ROCM installed, both aren't packaged by all distros. Similar with Intel, don't know about Nvidia, but I'm sure if it works, it's only with the proprietary driver.

I ended up installing darktable in an arch distrobox container, as arch has ROCM packages (in AUR) and ever since GPU acceleration is working fine.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

This is mostly what I use too. Additionally, on images with high ISO I usually add the profiled denoise module, often without changing the default values. If the image has a lot of noise, I sometimes use the preset that only reduces chroma noise (so the image stays grainy, but without the color mismatches)

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don't think working overtime has much to do with WFH vs office for most people. We have a lot more WFH here since covid, and the only people I know that work a lot of overtime already did that before WFH was introduced.

For me, WFH means an hour more of free time, as I don't have to spend it in traffic on my way from and to work.

[–] 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

...and all I hear is: "this stuff isn't ready yet" and "I'm going to be starring at Unicode glyphs the next time I have to tinker outside of my GUI".

This really isn't a zsh problem, but a "people putting too much stuff in a 'getting started' config".

I used zsh for 15 years before looking at any plug-in manager, you can get a lot of the good stuff like the completion by just going through the first-run wizard included in zsh. A lot of stuff is included directly with zsh, including various prompt themes (which is what that tutorial wants extra fonts for, because they use a fancy prompt with custom glyphs; I don't think any of the built-in ones need that)

Things like fuzzy history search with fzf is usually included with fzf's distro package and the additional zsh-completions package for less used or newer commands is also packaged by most distros. In my experience, a lot of the other plugins are stuff that could be a standalone script instead of a plug-in anyway.