MkVI "Corvus" is where it's at for me

I got Perimeter, and was like the only one in my LAN group to do so. It was a great game with its twist, the perimeter mechanic was awesome, and with an oddly melancholy single player vibe.

Disclaimer: I haven't played Sins for like, 6 years or something. But it's definitely Stellaris-lite. I much prefer Stellaris to get my MOO2 kick. My main recollection of Sins tho was that it was very buggy, and as a result I was never able to complete a game without it crashing!

First bot I've seen on Lemmy!

Oh man I used to love this band. Totally forgot about them for like 15 years it feels like until I saw this post!

Visceral is indeed the word - the in-cockpit views with the squeaks and groans of stressed metal, the vibration of the camera, it is a world apart from the usual Hollywood "technology in the background". First Man really emphasised the risk and cutting-edge nature of Neil's career, culminating in the often confusing rotating and pitching view from the LM to Tranquility Base.

I feel personally attacked...!

RIF when logged about appears to still work

Think it was a (temporary) issue with Connect - seemed to work with Jerboa

As Cory Doctorow termed it, it's the enshittification of the Internet - all for the sake of "shareholder value" It's a proper "can't see the wood for the trees" business

Same here. I tried a few times past midnight but there it went. End of an era - gonna be one hell of a difficult habit to go cold turkey on. Hopefully Lemmy can fill the void...

Getting an error on Connect for Lemmy - no community with that name "MICROCONTROLLERS" could be found

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