Okay, thank you for your detailed writeup, much appreciated, I'm making notes from all the comments lol
I did overall good progress though, I have way more visible muscle and bulked around 13kg. I'm not following any social media persons, I started working out using Critical's prolewiki guide. I'm not yet doing squats and deadlifts because I want to go through some checkups first and I have flat feet. I know and apply the rest of the tips you've mentioned.
Yep I figured, thanks. At the moment I'm just increasing weight on my current exercises, seem to be doing okay
I have to research reps in reserve and dropsets myoreps etc I haven't heard of them.
I meant the amount of reps in a set (english terminology is really confusing) like 3x8 or something like that which I saw you didn't mention
Thanks again
Yeah I do that in around 1h30m. I started around June 2023. My new gym doesnt mark the weights which is annoying, it just marks them like level 1-13, I assume one weight is 5kg. I'm unsure about my body fat ratio, how can I calculate it?
For months I had to do use the assisted benvh simulators to get to a basic muscle level; when I started I was way too skinny, now I'm in the normal muscle range I think.
I was under the impression that I'm doing way less than before XD It takes me around 1h30m to complete it.
The "middle chest" is a device called that, my new gym doesnt have it though; was something like simulating a bench press but with weights and not an individual barbell.
I see you don't count the exercises in the set themselves, just work to failure, which is interesting, I usually did this for my last set only.
I know about the illiac lat pulldown but I'm not really using that zone of the gym too much to be honest. Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out!!
This seems like an universal recommendation hah, thanks a lot!
I'm not eating any supplements, getting my protein from hummus, nuts, eggs, etc. I usually do them pretty slow though. Yeah I definitely need more leg exercises. Thanks for the tips!
Doesn't seem like Tencent has that much ownership of it unless I'm missing something