It's going to get worse
With all the context behind it I think the last scene of Star Trek: The Next Generation counts
Edit: Added link
There's a way to get a regular signin after the fact; I had this same problem. I will get back to you.
Edit: Here you go
I like sun as much as the next person but I feel getting more daylight by changing the clocks is like going on a diet by changing the definition of a pound. Standard Time all year for me please.
I do. My coffeehouses aren't crowded yet; it's awesome.
I settled on it after trying Sync
Mobile: I update one app a day (the one that's been waiting the longest) and check for system updates once a day. I install them as soon as I get them. Desktop: I run Debian testing and upgrade all my packages once a day
I haven't contributed to Reddit since the API fiasco. I will sometimes still read it but a lot less than before. I contribute here now.
I started with the Hobbit really wanting to finally read the Lord of the Rings but I couldn't get into it
Infinite growth is impossible on a planet with finite resources