Cold packs are FAR superior, I just can’t fit enough in my freezer while still having room to make ice cubes
Yes, the cascade has begun. It’s going to get very bad, very suddenly
I don’t think you completely got the gist of my comment.
We had that 10 years ago, now it’s too late to prevent a cascade of collapsing systems. It’s already beginning with insect deaths
what are we going to do?
Practice my aim I guess
It’s also a VERY popular sentiment the world over
But also Reddit admins are total deadshits, I was permanently banned and then harassed on other platforms for pointing out that Pitbulls are banned in Australia and that we euthanise them, and any other violent animals(just said that was a law here, nothing else). Crazy dog fuckers wouldn’t leave me alone.
You know what the French nobility did when the people started to, quite rightfully, remove their heads? It sure wasn’t move in to the newly vacant palace…
I’ve been campaigning about climate change since I learned about it, all told over thirty years, and those bastards have been gutting the planet the whole time. I’m wholly in favour of the any means necessary approach
The wildfires that will consume the Siberian wilderness when it thaws will likely change opinions on living there
The fucking irony and probable truth if that is hilarious and frustrating
Nah, history is your best teacher here. They will try that, get murdered, and be replaced by a crude junta while the rest of us starve
And Australians, being the spiteful stupid cunts we are, lap it up. This country will be better off when the Chinese take over.