Mutual aide is mutual
I guess the TLDR is just that men are generally only jealous of other men.
That’s merely an anchoring effect. Mastadon was the first of those technologies, and activitypub itself was heavily inspired by replicating Twitter so it was also the most straightforward implementation. Lastly, a lot of the far more favorited social media platforms rely on either strong content creators or social network effects to succeed, whereas Twitter creates enough bubbles and is less focused on people you actually know IRL that it doesn’t suffer as much from this problem.
You don’t understand correlation and causation apparently, just pointing at stats and grunting without reasoning about them. The effective number of people using fediverse platforms being almost inverse of the number of people using non fediverse platform corollaries shows if anything that fediverse itself is facing an adoption problem, not that Twitter is the best platform for it to emulate.
I mean publicly available stats of 11million users somehow proves your point? Facebook has 3 billion users. X has 600 million but over half are bots. 1 in 5 of those accounts are American. So that’s about 1/5th of the people in America have a twitter account. How much they post would be much more complicated stat.
Here it is being ranked 12th most popular social media.
So yeah, I’m glad we are now focusing on emulating actually popular social media like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. We can have an X clone but why did we start with one?
Can I just say that personally I don’t know anyone who wants to publicly microblog. Like that’s just such a niche type of social media. People want to participate in threads like Reddit, or post to friends like Instagram or facebook, but only celebrities and public figures want to microblog.
I mean to me, if I’m trying to get with you, or while I’m with you, all I care about is if you like me or not.
I think a lot of guys think that it would honestly be perfectly ok for you to go on having gay sex in your straight relationship. They aren’t threatened by another woman because that woman isn’t fulfilling the role they fulfill: sex with a penis. They also probably think you’d be missing out not to have both in your life if you are bi.
Or they are just erasing. But sometimes the same behavior can come from completely different ideas.
“Back in my day” (shakes fist angrily at the world) I was 11 participating in adult evolution vs creationism forums with plenty of nut jobs. Pedos were on aol chat. I watched porn on my dad’s computer, pirated music and Naruto, played games Instead of talking to girls. It’s certainly a different world, but not thaaattt different.
Different bubbles indicate more than encryption
WhatsApp is not a default app or an attempt at implementing a standard, a default text messaging app is.
The vendors were modernizing and they pushed back.
I’m glad you could set up a way to falsify your beliefs so that they could, indeed, be proven false
I’ve just followed this revolving door of male self improvement advice for a long time now. It actually started for me at church, those guys hate a young man without a “role model”. Then people started blaming the lack of role models and we got Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, when honestly the biggest problem facing men in society was capitalism and overwork not male lack of self improvement. Then people were like, no not THOSE role models, and now people are blaming young men for Trump voting etc, when again it’s role models themselves that are making these kids fail to see their issues in relation to labor.
What if, instead of teaching men to be followers we taught them to be leaders and free thinkers. Women too. I never once woke up as a kid and was like, man I wish I had someone to look up to. I had people to learn from but I was imminently aware of other people’s flaws and the fallacy of emulating success. Don’t become your dad or your pastor please. Realize what’s wrong with the culture you are growing up in and why it’s making you sad, don’t emulate others, don’t blame others, identify and overcome.
We really just need to teach philosophy in schools.
She actually doesn’t say he has toxic male role models in his life, he has conservatives in his life, who she admits are not good sex-advice-givers or puberty-talk-havers. She doesn’t say they are Nazi’s or wifebeaters or something. The assumptions I’d make from this is he has conservative trad-marriage role models, which I had too. These people teach you a distorted view of sex, but also a lot of the best male role models in my life live as conservatives.
Anyway, no I don’t really think that male role models are as important as we like to think. This is kinda a “what is wrong with our youth” take on modernity. A good female role model to a man can be almost more influential. Her being a good mom is going to influence his views on women a lot more than any dudebro with no relation to him, especially if she calls him on misogyny he may pick up.
A man who loves women has healthy female role models. That’s more important than anything in developing their views on women. And then more importantly than anything, a man who will succeed in life has an internal drive to be better, learn more, not be led, etc, and that doesn’t come from other people.
“If the description is sounding like it fits”
Where in OP did it sound like it fits?
I get the impression the guy I’m replying to is working with troubled youth. Even then, most men and boys are taught to defend their moms as a point of pride, not the opposite.
It might be better for them but it’s not better for the internet strangers, now there is an unknown beggar in their space.