[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 38 points 4 days ago

"Why would I vote for a primary party candidate who supports ranked choice voting when I can just throw my vote away on a third-party candidate that will never be elected? I've got principles!"

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 19 points 1 month ago

After the civil war completes, Emperor Walz declares the entire nation will now be known as Minnesota in a show of unification to the rest of the world.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

They aren't really gullible. If you watch the youtube videos, it's pretty much always people that already had their licenses revoked, sometimes permanently. They're just trying to convince themselves there's some way to legally drive again.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

In the meantime fuck diabetic people, am I right?

Student loan forgiveness with no other action is completely counter-productive. Just like allowing drug companies to charge anything they want for Insulin, and then just having the government pay them is completely counter-productive. The answer to spiraling insulin prices (when not due to a shortage of some key ingredient) is to cap prices, not just pay whatever ransom drug companies are asking.

College costs have spiraled out of control because laws were passed to prevent you from escaping student loan debt through bankruptcy. From a lender perspective there's almost no risk to giving students as much money as they want to borrow. Colleges in turn realized they could just keep raising prices because students could "afford" pretty much any tuition price through loans. If you just "forgive" all student loan debt, you'll just encourage colleges to jack up prices even more. Why not? Come one come all, the government is going to foot whatever the bill ends up being!

If you're going to forgive student debt, it needs to come with 3 things:

  • A hard cap on public university tuition tracking inflation
  • Student loans need to go back to being forgiven as a part of bankruptcy.
  • A long-term plan to make public universities "free"

You want to find a middle ground with conservatives? Make tuition free for the occupations we have a shortage of to encourage people to go to school for a degree in which there will be a job waiting when they're done.

We need more teachers? Teaching degrees are free for the next decade. You want to be a marine biologist? You pay whatever the (reasonable) capped state tuition is.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The thing with the F-35 is you'll never actually hear about it being "better" because there is no dogfight. It shows up, you die, that's it. In the real-world it would be like one guy showing up to a boxing ring to fight, and the other guy dropping a nuclear bomb on the stadium. The whole point of 5th gen fighters is that they don't engage, they have so much technology that they blow up the opponent before the opponent even knows they showed up.

Meanwhile, Russia's "5th gen" fighters can't get near the airspace because they both don't have the proper smart munitions, and don't have the physical capabilities to fly into an area blanketed in US AA weapons.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The map is just bad? They're throwing large groups of states together that have literally no control over what other states do. For instance, it groups part of North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois together as if they're one giant blob and then saying they're only 10% renewable and 31% "low carbon" (whatever that means).

A quick look at Illinois shows it's 55% nuclear and 21.6% renewables for a grand total of 76% of their power being carbon free. Minnesota is 41% renewable, 25.3% nuclear, for a grand total of 66% carbon free electricity. Iowa is 90% (!!!) renewables. Even Wisconsin is 20% nuclear and 15.6% renewables.





However this map is being generated, it appears to be absolute garbage and intentionally skewed, and isn't basing any of this on any logic. It can't be based on population served or on size of ground covered.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

I don't do ANYTHING on twitter other than occasionally click on a post by a local sports guy when I get a notification. Literally EVERYTHING else in my feed is right wing political non-sense. The extent of my interactions were hitting block early on, and when I realized that did nothing to give their "algorithm" a clue that I wasn't interested I just started ignoring it entirely.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 57 points 3 months ago

"If you’re trying to reach senior decision makers, if you want to reach the most influential people in the world," Musk told Read, "the X platform is by far the best."

Does someone want to break it to him that he's one of about 4 executives of a fortune 500 who spends any time on Twitter? The rest have PR people who might make a couple posts a month for them, but they sure as shit aren't wasting any time on it arguing with idiots and bots. They're busy flying around on private jets or playing golf when they aren't spending their 30 minutes a month working.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

On the flip side, the number of people I see towing an RV behind a mid-sized SUV with the front wheels lifting off the ground is astounding. For every guy that bought a truck that never tows anything heavy and never sees any dirt, there's two idiots towing something 4x what their car is capable of putting you and everyone else on the road in danger.


[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world -4 points 5 months ago

While they suck horribly, also scalpers. I have almost no issue with a venue requiring a verified app and quite frankly picture ID to allow entry. But please figure out how to do it without giving ticketmaster a dime.

[-] a9cx34udP4ZZ0@lemmy.world 7 points 5 months ago

They're not the typical sov cit. I'm guessing this person is just trying to get away with not paying for tabs. That license plate is a knock-off of a legit Kansas license plate, not the typical sov cit nonsense plate advertising their insanity.

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