Consumption of world’s wealthiest people also making it increasingly difficult to limit global heating to 1.5C
We're not going to achieve the 1.5C target. It's just not going to happen. Yes, it might (might!) still be physically possible to limit warming to 1.5C, but it's not economically, politically, or socially possible. The only way we could achieve 1.5C at this point would be if there was some major economic collapse or some other major crisis. There's no real way we can reduce GHG emissions at the rate necessary to achieve 1.5C while the global population, global economy, and average per person consumption rates continue to grow at their current pace. Some might say it is theoretically possible, but I don't really care if it is. We're not looking for theoretical solutions, we're looking for actual solutions, and I think the actual solutions get us somewhere between 2.5C and 3C.
In theory, geoengineering should slow down the rate of warming while we transition away from fossil fuels. Since the transition to a zero GHG emission global civilization will inherently take more time than we have, to prevent warming beyond 2.0C, we could use geoengineering to buy us some time. In theory, it makes perfect sense, but I am leery. I'm concerned about potential unintended consequences and side effects, but I'm even more concerned that geoengineering will make people complacent, slowing down the transition. Even theoretically, geoengineering only works if we are rapidly transitioning at the same time, otherwise it's just like throwing more and more dynamite onto a pile, and all it would take is for us to stop geoengineering, for whatever reason, for the dynamite to explode.