Every good that is produced has to be immediately consumed. There is no way to stockpile goods. I believe this is the primary issue that mostly causes the other problems.

If you consume more goods than you produce, the price of the good goes up. On the contrary if you produce more than you consume, the price goes down. That's it.

If for example you produce 100 fabric in cotton plantations and then consume 180 to make clothes in a factory, the only drawback is reduced profits due to high fabric price. 80 units of fabric missing won't harm the production of clothes in the factory whatsoever.

Railways chug engines (apparently the trains have to be replaced with new ones every week).

(note: IG = interest group)

The personal ideology of IG leaders dictate what laws the entire IG supports. If for example a reactionary ass IG gets a progressive leader then the whole IG suddenly becomes progressive.

The Armed forces IG gets its political strength from wealth and votes just like anyone else, even though they should probably have more due to controlling the unliving machines.

Thanks for reading my ramble. Does anyone else get annoyed by these type of things?


That noodle you see there is Yugoslavia.

I had given up when I saw that I was being pushed back on all fronts and I lost most of my factories... But when my borders went ^w^ I just... held.

And then time passed. My allies were supplying me with much needed weapons the whole time and later they ended up liberating my land.

The power of friendship, comrades.


This update focuses a lot on revolutions afaik, lots of potential.

Now we just need to wait a little bit more for someone to upload the booty! 🏴‍☠️


Really I don't know if the devs are communist or not, they give a lot of mixed signals.


It's from today's dev diary.

Jokes aside, it would be a huge problem if a revolt that enacted this thing destroyed every single building the revolt starts with...


I got the idea from the comments of this post.

There is probably some stuff that I overlooked, if that's the case any bug reports are appreciated.

HOI4 meme (lemmygrad.ml)

I swear they put more effort in the anti-communist propaganda system than in the rest of the game combined.


Basically all it does is adjust the "Vanguardist" leader ideology (and Anarchism, base game has them liking professional army the most for some reason) and makes Command Economy enactable with just Council Republic (so without needing Autocracy / Oligarchy) to make the game experience a little bit less anti-communist.

Vic3 meme (lemmygrad.ml)

Fr why does the UK get so many state buffs

low effor meme

smh my head (lemmygrad.ml)

From today's dev diary.


Okay, I'm not gonna pretend to be an all-knowing historian but the difference between the resources in the imperial core and the resources everywhere else is so baffling to me. One could argue that the imperial core has all those resources because of the colonies, but the colonies in the game barely have anything. the UK could lose all of their colonies in Africa and still produce a metric ton of steel.

Take a look at Germany:

pic:screenshot of germany with a ton of resources

As you can see Germany has a shit ton of steel and aluminum, two very important resources, and a little bit of oil and chromium.

Now let's check Africa:

pic:the horn of africa with barely any resouces

This is only one part of Africa since resource icons don't appear when you are very far away, but you get the point; Africa barely has resources except for some isolated cases such as the chromium in the southern part and some steel in the north-west.

Maybe I'm wrong, and please tell me if I am, but wasn't the reason the imperial powers colonized half the world to steal their natural resources?

And even gameplay-wise it would make sense to move resources to Africa, since in my opinion Africa is barely worth fighting for. You lose a shit ton of manpower and equipment to attrition in an offensive because there is no supply anywhere, and what do you get? 12 rubber?

I calculated all of the base resources in both Africa and Germany.

Africa has 66 steel, 0 aluminum, 250 chromium, 36 rubber and 1 oil.

Germany has 247 steel, 83 aluminum, 3 chromium, 0 rubber and 2 oil.

Apart of chromium and rubber the difference is abysmal. And remember we are comparing 1 (one) country to an entire continent.

What are your thoughts?



Porfirio Lerdo de Tejada has reorganized the Armed Forces into the Mexican Red Army. The military is now devoted to defending the dictatorship of the proletariat.

The international revolution will not be won through the jabbering politicians, it will be won through force of arms. All the bourgeoisie of the world are assembled against us, the enemies of the proletariat are omnipresent. The Red Army is the only force standing between survival and annihilation.

Is it implying what it think it implies? That the devs are conscious that world liberation can't be achieved through reform but through violent revolution? And that the Red Army's purpose isn't to mindlessly conquer stuff as some libs may think, but to protect the revolution?

Honestly at this point I'm willing to bet that some of the devs are comrades.

Victoria 3 might be unpolished, but because of things like this I love this game.

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joined 2 years ago