They said Putin, not Russia.
Fuck yeah, tank em.
30% of Americans voted for Krasnov, and not even all Krasnov voters are far right, and thats even assuming he didnt cheat in any way. America is not 50% far right.
Idk, as a reformed Disney nerd in my youth, I thought the section about Space Mountain was cool as hell, even if it was only tangentially related to the rest of the video.
LibreOffice does everything I need it to and there's no need for anything else. frogger.
So you're just posturing and full of shit, got it.
I didn't say you lied, just saying that there's no way you've been on the internet for 30 years and have never seen DAE anywhere before now.
If I had a wall to paint it on, you can bet your ass I'd be doing that shit.
Ah, gotcha, I was only half watching so I misunderstood. Thanks for the clarification.
I don't believe you. DAE has been an extremely common abbreviation for well over a decade at least.
Well yeah, that's why my parent comment said its good for offline editing. I don't need collaborative online editing.