Actually this might make for a fun propaganda game: Set up a website where every person can mark, for each item on the list, whether they made the switch, so that in the end they receive a picture they can share on social media so as to engage in a low-key "competition" with their friends.
joined 2 weeks ago
Worth noting that with KeePassDX, there's a compatible mobile app.
I think someone living in the Toronto area should see if they can get the police or other professionals to look into this.
Amor Armoris
Danke dir! Habe die Community direkt abonniert.
Bitte Link, wo es die gibt! <3
Erledigt. Gefahr gebannt
Love it, thanks! Just did it. The chosen domain may be a bit unfortunate though, I think, because it could be punished by many algorithms.
Also, just to indicate the orders of magnitude: The German electiricty grid roughly operates at a power of 200 000 MW on average.
Source (the colorful graph in the middle of the page). (Be mindful that the absolute numbers in the graph are given in "MWh per 15 minutes" (power*time/time), so to get the Watt number (power) at any given time, one has to multiply the number by 4.)