What makes you think that? The science has been pretty damn good for a long time.
Probably the same but would like some detail on perfect health.
Immortal? Instant healing? Mental? Can I choose to vaporize myself at any time? Can others vaporize me?
Perfect memory and live healthy forever is both crazy powerful and eventually every flavor of maddening you can imagine. But if you're saying the brain will stay perfectly regulated (depression, madness) forever, that's really something to think about.
Either way I'd probably take it. But it'd be easier to accept with instant death 80 years out.
I loved Alias. Super 8. MI3. Star Trek. But JJ rode the "magic box" thing a little too hard in phase 2 of his career there. I like a lot of what Lost had to offer but that last season was a real cop out. For the most part, instead of answering questions from the series they just made up new questions in the last season and answered some of those. It was some real hand waving BS.
He's got Short Circuit higher than The Matrix. barf
I understand that. I'm really saying if you go in to anything with a kind of dour attitude, looking for reasons to say it is unoriginal (or whatever) you can tear it down.
Last Crusade uses a christian mcguffin just like Raiders. Booooring. (that's sarcasm, because nobody actually gives a damn).
You can go in to any Beatles song and point to similar chord progressions that came before.
You can look at any painting and say you've seen that color palette before.
I didn't thing they did too much fan service or retread. I enjoyed it. And it sounds to me like you were looking for things to complain about, so of course you found them.
If you want, you can do this for pretty much anything.
Godfather? Meh... Seen it all before. Vito Corleone is basically King Lear. Coppola is just ripping off Shakespeare.
Thanks! Never occurred to me to look for an accuracy scoreboard.
Check out Kanopy and Libby while you're at it.