Don't have a pet wolf yet? Don't worry, you can now find them in nine biomes โ with a different variant in each!
Game theorists, start placing your bets on which features of this April Fools snapshot may eventually make it into an actual game experience (in some shape or form, preferably with potato parts peeled off).
April Fools snapshots were always a great testbed for future additions to #Minecraft and allow developers to experiment with wild and rough ideas in safe environment while quietly observing player feedback.
A new #Minecraft snapshot 24w14potato appeared, adding an entire new dimension, blocks, mobs, paintings and many more. All of them, poisonous ๐ฅ themed.
Are poisonous potatoes the best Minecraft food? Who exactly is Potatolord of the Fried Legion? We may or may not learn answers to these questions with this very snapshot.
Today's #Minecraft snapshot 24w11a brings tons of new 1.21 features!
๐จ The mace is a new weapon you can use to inflict great damage from falling! It's crafted using the new breeze rod and heavy core.
๐บ Three new pottery sherds, two new armor trims, and two new banner patterns can now be found in the trial chambers!
Game theorists, start placing your bets on which features of this April Fools snapshot may eventually make it into an actual game experience (in some shape or form, preferably with potato parts peeled off).
April Fools snapshots were always a great testbed for future additions to #Minecraft and allow developers to experiment with wild and rough ideas in safe environment while quietly observing player feedback.