The dream of the 90s? What's that

Not a 90s kid

Maybe the charm got old. You could play it in-between big games

High praise! I'll be looking forward to trying this out then

Yes I would really love an old style game with QoL improvements that the modern era had bought for us like better controls, auto-saves, skip dialogue, etc.

But....we have two buttons right? The right one was always start and the left one was options ig? I'm an Xbox 360 player

This is beautiful!!!!

Is the game good?

The image doesn't load. Any help?

Not American. What's a thermostat?

Can you give some recent use examples of this? I don't use CHATGPT anymore but I used to get my code written by it and many of my classmates still use it

Where are the cleaner dudes, supposed to be spraying at them molds


joined 1 year ago