I handed my girlfriend a hair tie once while at my parents house. Good times were had.
Precious tritium
Keeping up with the Wayneses
Ahhhh the GOAT. Seriously, as a smart kid everything else about me was ignored. Something wrong at school? You CAN do it, so just do it. D&D breaks up mental stats, but there's even more out there. Int, Wis, Cha to start. Then there's motivation, happiness, and empathy, and more. The mind is super complex and an int score of 18 being all that matters is like the saying "this hammer solves my nail problem, it will surely solve my window problem."
Paramount Plus is the worst streaming service with the second best content
The thumbnail does just fine thank you
Lol but really fuck this speech
Oh that's what I call mine.
I'm still recovering from the relief that he lost 2020
My CrossFit addiction
Probably have games that watch your eye movements and track biological changes your body feels when you want to pick something. Maybe
Ok buddy