What's selling me is the baked-in app cloning support for all apps, and the icon theming to help with distractions

I know the hardware is lacking a bit, but if I'm not looking to game hard-core, are there other necessary features Nothing is missing compared to other androids?

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Project sandcastle was always a PoC thing to me. On release, only the iPhone 7 was even close to being able to properly house the OS. Most devices would be missing important things like sound and cellular support, and wouldn't be able to use the camera (among other things, some losing out on more than others depending on the exact device, there's a whole spreadsheet that shows what works and what doesn't for all Sandcastle-compatible devices)

Not to mention, file changes on Android using Sandcastle wouldn't save, essentially meaning every time you reboot it's like a factory reset (your iOS files are fine, just the Android bits wouldn't be saved through a reboot)

There was some fork or continuation of this that brought on a bit more progress since then, but I can't remember the name anymore. No new updates from that one for a while either

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago

Xorg is compatible with Actiona

I know that's not a huge reason for most people but I have a lot of automations that run through it

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

neat! I'll definitely look at a side by side comparison to Zorin (my distro) out of curiosity. always nice finding new rabbit holes to dive into

Update: made the switch. worth it? maybe, maybe not. there are issues, a few visual glitches here and there (gets better with each set of updates, but still), but the proprietary Nvidia drivers being installed out of the box instead of the (apparently) not as good FOSS ones was a plus

Plus, the UI is still clean, and a lot of apps, updates, packages, etc. are installed for you from the welcome screen, so you won't be left googling for things you might need. Also comes with GE proton, Wine, Lutris, Bottles, and a few other things pre-installed so you won't lose hours setting up windows support for games/apps

If you still have apt or snap packages you want to run but can't since Nobara only used rpm and flatpak, you can simply look up Distrobox to get you started (I did this by looking up distrobox in the software store where I found an app that deals with it)

I also like that if you try to mount other existing partitions, it will ask for a password. Usually if I wanted to mount my Windows partition and access something there, other distros will just let me. Nobara asking for a password means no one, in person or via some program, can go snooping around, or potentially try to mess with my other operating systems or other partitions. Nice little security buff

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago

nice wallpaper! never heard of nobara but looking at it, it looks similar to Zorin OS. what's your experience so far?

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 1 points 10 months ago

I'll take my barely superior cam quality with a side of almost no freedom, thank you very much /s

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 2 points 10 months ago

and the clear choice for the best place to put said messaging feature is in... checks notes.. Google Maps

i can't see any way how this would be both inconvenient and possibly distracting. nope, no way.

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 8 points 10 months ago

they were godsends back in the OnePlus 6/7 days because their phones and custom OS was meant to be more root friendly than the rest. it was what sold me and a buddy of mine on them in the first place

sadly, it's gone south now but it was fun back when it happened

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 7 points 10 months ago

i mean in this case, if you're planning to root you'd much rather use a custom OS that will still give you OS updates

or, just buy a different android and avoid the bs entirely

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

didn't work for me at first too, but other YouTube specific ad blockers had side effects (videos opened in new tabs would play automatically instead of waiting for you to switch to that tab, etc)

here's what I did:

  • reset uBlock to default settings, then purge caches and update

  • clear all caches in your browser (in Firefox/Chrome you can just search for cache in the settings search bar and it'll come up)

  • fully close and reopen browser

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 53 points 10 months ago

installing better adblockers

or just updating uBlock lol. not sure what YouTubes team was expecting here

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

kind of - there's the issue of a low framerate when scrolling

but it's more the icons - like the distancing/placement of certain UI elements like the timestamp, vote buttons... maybe its just me at that point. I'm already used to Boost/Eternity. not easy to get myself used to a significantly different layout after that

[-] Jailbrick3d@lemmy.world 9 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)
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