Well, then I'm going to say manchego, even without membrillo.
Very much looking forward to it!
Great show. Quite the harsh beginning, but with lots of good humour after the beginning. I Like the characters. Really interested to see where this is going.
This show has been really great so far! Kind of my sleeper hit.
Im watching Psycho pass S2 right now. I watched it before, but forgot everything. But as I'm watching it now I remember seeing it more and more. That's alright though, since I wanted to continue after s2 with all the new stuff. It's good, but it's very difficult remembering all the names of so many people.
Less combat sounds very good. Combat in the first one and the frequency of it was sucking all the fun out of the game for me.
Oh, its the finale? This is such a great series although I don't care at all for handball in general. Very much looking forward to it!
It's dead.