No? What does Mr. Rogers have to do with leopards? Tigers I can see, but these aren't those.

Still faster than Windows

It's very energizing too

Meow (

The manuals. RTFM exists for a reason. If there's ever a command or a config file you're not sure about, just type in man the_command.
If you can't access the man pages for some reason, there's an online version on

Also, the Arch Wiki, Gentoo Wiki, and Debian Wiki offer good information for all distros. I like Arch Wiki the best.

[-] 22 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

PGP or GPG, however you spell it. You can encrypt stuff, protect your email from prying eyes!

Also FOSS in general.

Upvoted solely for the last line

Everything here reminds everyone of that.

It wasn't anything big that caused me to switch. It was just a general feeling of "oh, maybe I'll switch" and annoyance at Windows, and then I got a new SSD.

Here's a few of the micro-hacks that I've hacked up in the past.

A 2-line script to chroot into Debian when logging in as a certain user on FreeBSD.


doas chroot /linux /bin/login

I didn't have an IDE, so I just made a script called ide which runs Vim, and then compiles the code and makes it executable.

#Works only for C
vim $1.c && cc -O3 -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused-result $1.c -o $1
#MODE=`stat -f "%OLp" $1`
if ("stat -f "%OLp" $1 | grep -e 6 -e 4 -e 2") then
	chmod +x $1

This thing, called demoronize, which does what it says in the comments


#dos2unix -O -e -s $1 | sed 's/    /	/g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
cat $1 | sed 's/    /	/g' | sed 's/“/"/g' | sed 's/”/"/g'
#Convert DOS line endings to Unix ones and add a final newline if there isn't one,
#replace sequence of 4 spaces with tab,
#and replace "smart" quotes with normal ones

I just keep those ones for historical value, but there's one hack I use every day. My keyboard doesn't have a function key (Fn), so I use the Super/Windows key instead.
I have xdotool keyup Super_L keyup Super_R keyup F4 key XF86Sleep bound to a custom keyboard shortcut. It unpresses the keys used for the shortcut (Super + F4), then presses the sleep key.

Damn Taskbar is gold

What is unclutter?

And your first pet's name, and your social security number


If I'm using Arch or another minimal distro, is it a good idea to install a syslog daemon? Or can I go without?


On Cinnamon and LxQt, the trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash. Is it the same for all desktop environments?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

I know that the dark mode setting is disabled by Resist Fingerprinting. I am not using that, I am using the Dark Reader extension. The extension still doesn't work, but it works on Firefox.

Other extensions I have installed: Ublock Origin, Decentraleyes, Skip Redirect, Onetab, Old Reddit Redirect

Librewolf version: 124.0.1-1


I used to be on KDE. It had night color control integrated. Then I switched to XFCE, and it did not. So I installed Redshift.

Oops! Redshift requires location access so it can automatically set the color temperature based on the sun's position in the sky. Now it doesn't work when the network is deactivated. And on my system, I can't set it to redden/bluen based on the time only.

I go to AlternativeTo, to find an alternative. It looks like all of them do the same thing, or are discontinued.

Is that what everyone wants? Is that all that's out there? Just ""smart"" programs that access your location to automagically change the colors based on astronomical events?

Even on Windows you could set the night color control based on the time. Am I living in a backwards world where Linux uses the invasive complicated way and Windows uses the private simple way?

Is there a simple program out there that can set night color control with only the time, none of that other crap?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

How do I get the preview pane in KMail to stay the same size? I can resize it, but whenever I restart the app, the preview pane is back to the default size.

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joined 8 months ago