Yuki caused his own puncture today though, right? He hit Perez.
Thank, we’re good and I managed to get a generator this morning. 375k people without power in Michigan this morning due to the storm!
What happened? We had a tornado hit nearby last night so no power or home internet to watch this morning’s session.
The use of drones in this war is fascinating from afar.
From an American perspective, I keep seeing calls from extremists for a new civil war, and it terrifies me because weaponry like this means shit will go poorly for civilians VERY quickly, even without going nuclear. I imagine that all these kids and young adults who think that playing CoD prepared them for actual war will be in for a big, brief surprise when a drone just deletes them while being operated by some guy in, like, Nevada.
B-b-but we’ll certainly find 12 random GEORGIANS to convict him!
I spent about 5 hours on it and gave up. I kept waiting for it to get better, but it felt kind of like playing the original Zork, but prettier:
Look left Look right Nothing happens You have been eaten by a grue
Can’t wait to be bored out of my mind with a AAA game again!
Those flying brain things TERRIFIED me as a teen.