[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world -3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You are highly regarded.

Unlikely. The upside of being socially inept though is that I have more time and headspace for important things...like knowing the difference between a Country and a Continent.

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

I remember stuff that I was to young to viable be able to remember.

Same! My earliest memory is a man, who wasn't my Father, coming to the house and giving my Mother a letter. After reading she hid it inside a flower pot underneath a fake plant. It happened in 1973 when I was just about 12 months old. I know the year because I talked to my Mom about it a few years ago and after she got over her shock she told me when it happened.

Yes my Mom was a serial cheater and yes my first memory of life is her getting a love letter from one of her lovers. 👌

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

Short Term and Working Memory of a damn goldfish. Long Term memory is so freakishly good that people think I'm making it up.

I can struggle to tell you what I had for a meal 10 minutes after I finish eating but I can tell you the exact page and location on the page of phrases that I read in a book 20 years ago.

Why did I just go to the kitchen? Who the fuck knows. Ask me what I was doing last Thursday afternoon at 3:30 though and I can write you a detailed description of the entire days events.

Welcome to ADHD.

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Impossible to answer as laws vary by country so what may be legal in the US may be illegal in Finland where LW is. Aside from the multi-national difficulties involved there's also the fact that there's been near zero court cases on it anywhere in the world (that I know of). Legal Lightening is going to strike some instance somewhere in the world eventually but no instance owner wants it to be them.

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

in case something goes bad it is going to be against them not this instance.

Ah, since you're an expert in Finnish law (where LW is hosted) perhaps you could take a few minutes and give us a breakdown?

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Okay done. I'll give the instance a try and see how it goes. :)

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

This show suffers from the same illogical plots, very questionable dialogue, and blatant canon failures

So it's basically the same as TOS? Excellent!

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Are you honestly saying I can steal the better part of a billion dollars and hop across the border to Mexico without worry?

In other longer articles you find out that it's nowhere nearly a billion. The Solar Farms used to underpin the investments do exist and are productive. They have value in the hundreds of millions of pounds, but its apparently not quite enough to satisfy all of the bonds when they come do in 2025 and 2026.

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This article points the finger almost exclusively at Liam Kavanagh and almost ignores Sean Clark, Thurrock’s Finance Director.

A bit of digging turned up this much longer article published a year ago and while Liam Kavanagh and his companies feature in it there's also quite a bit more about Sean Clark's role in all this.


[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago

The fediverse has a very high percentage of users who are FOSS zealots. These people would rather drink rancid gnu piss from Richard Stallman's sweaty jock strap than deal with commercialized software. After you've been around them long enough (1996 in my case) you learn to tune them out.

[-] Buelldozer@lemmy.world -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

For one, Hexbear made it perfectly clear they expect their users to abide by the rules of the instances they visit and not cause trouble.

The users at Hexbear made it perfectly clear in the discussions about federation that they weren't going to respect that request and were openly encouraging each other to brigade other instances. They seem to have quite a number of participants who were really looking forward to being able to "bully the libs" and a quick scan showed several comments about sending offensive DMs to users of other instances. I was also able to find multiple HB users who openly admitted to already being banned multiple times from beehaw for trollish community breaking behavior.

The idea that BH users would have been well behaved is wishful thinking as they've already shown the Fediverse how they behave. Their instance Admins and Users are also not shy with how they are approaching Federation. They very specifically want the freedom to participate in other instances without those instances being able to engage them. Put together they want the freedom to "own the libs" all across the Fediverse without having those same libs show up in their carefully crafted safe space. They want to eat their cake and have it too.

To be clear I don't agree with how Lemmy.World handled the blocking of Hexbear. I would strongly have preferred community engagement on the issue prior to the block but looking at the Troll Army being formed at HB I can't necessarily fault the admins of LW either. Dealing with ideologically motivated extremists is a lot of work that no one wants to do.


For instance I want HA to announce that the garage door is opening. I already have the door monitored and can control it via HA.

I have HA integrated with Alexa via Nabu Casa but it appears to be a one way thing where she can ask HA to do something via NC but HA can't ask her to do something...like announce "The Garage Door is Opening."

Goodby RIF! (lemmy.world)

I've had RiF since before the name change, since before Golden Platinum even. It's been on every single phone I've owned for over a decade!

I'm sad that today's the last day, that this is it. Feels like I'm saying goodbye to a friend.

Thanks for the app. I'm going to miss it and Reddit is going to miss my mobile traffic because I absolutely refuse to use the Official App...and they can't make me!

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joined 1 year ago