I am a BRAZILIAN socialist, but DPRK is a totalitarian dictatorship that isn't truly socialist and have serius problem with starvation and stuff so they aren't really good at all.
The real socialism is the Democratic Socialism.
I am a BRAZILIAN socialist, but DPRK is a totalitarian dictatorship that isn't truly socialist and have serius problem with starvation and stuff so they aren't really good at all.
The real socialism is the Democratic Socialism.
Even for a socialist, this is simply delusional
Europe is west.
So badly designed
I have interest in both types, but it is not like they are correlated. Computer languages are more logical and human languages are more abstract.
The cat will ALWAYS win
it was on a linux subreddit and i decided to post here lol
Democratic socialism is nearer to anarcho communism than those far right wingers.
Also you want me to prove I'm Brazilian!? How am I supposed to do that?