Still down as of this comment
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7 hours later and still now.
Someone fucked up bad and ruined a lot of people's weekend.
I just gave in and bought a PS5 instead of upgrading my PC. I thought it would be a nice no hassle gaming experience. It's nice when it works...
Heh, it doesn't happen that much. Generally it's pretty stable.
So no one told you life was going to be this way.....
clap clap clap clap
Oh, sorry. 4 different flys were flying by, in a convienent to kill formation. Just all in a row. You know I had to take THAT opertunity!
If it makes you feel any better, this is really the first I've heard of this happening since 2011. I just hope it's not a sign of worse experiences to come.
I'll echo the others. I had a ps3 when the network went down in 2011 and I haven't had an issue like that since. Granted I didn't play much for a couple years as I switched to PC gaming mostly, but I picked up a PS5 last year and the only connection issues are from my internet itself
I didn't use the ps+ service back then because you didn't need it for multiplayer games on the PS3, but I did get a couple free games (little bit planet and infamous were what I picked)
Anyways, welcome to the ps5! It's a very capable device for gaming or media. Also efficient at heating your room. I don't regret my purchase at all even though an outage like this is frustrating. There's some games that work offline and if you have the disc drive you can at least watch movies or get physical discs of games
I don't really care about PSN downtime, but I can't stand corpo-speak.
In a tweet, Sony said it was "aware some users might be currently experiencing issues with PSN."
It's not "some users." It's not "might be." "Experiencing issues" is so generic that it's pointless.
Just say, "PSN is down. We're working to bring it back online."
Right!? I'm not sure when we put the MBA's in charge but I wanna go back.
When people realised there's money in games, and there is no going back now, unless they think they can get more money by not having the MBA's in charge.
Still down as of 1:30 am pacific time.
Can't you just turn off the internet connection and play 😂
Says me from my Steam castle that also requires authentication after some duration of time offline
Visable look of GOG Superiority
smug expression from behind my collection of cracked, older games
(and gog but I'm not going to buy a second copy of anything for no benefit)
You can. Not all game require you to be online. But any game that require you to be onkine won't work.
Still down. Wonder what happened.
Thanks musk.
And it's still down. This is bonkers!
What is this, 2011?
"Why are you mad about the mandatory PSN account bro, it's free and takes like five minutes to create, PC players are so entitled"
Excuse me, I must fetch a ladder to get on my high horse.
Should we talk about how invasive PSN is to begin with? This appears to be a server issue, yet the network error blocks any application that uses the network, such as streaming services and games requiring a third-party login.
I doubt it's incompetence, it has to be a design choice. Just what kind of data is Sony collecting?