No thoughts head empty. I've heard that people with stressful jobs trend towards being submissive/etc, because they don't want to think hard after getting done with work.
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I very much feel that sometimes. I have explicitly said many times that I'm so exhausted, and I just want to be tied up and not have to think at all haha.
I think that's true. At least for me.
I don't know if my job is considered "stressful" but I'm a very anxious, stressed person and it definitely applies to me. I don't wanna think, just wanna be dumb puppy, no thoughts, head empty lol.
I mean, it feels like a healthier outlet compared to like alcohol, drugs or getting mad at people online, tbh.
And yeah, I like the idea of just turning my head off and letting someone take control.
@AwoosWhenClose @Wander i agree its not normal at all but are u really doing anything wrong, fuck u might end up happier than a ""normal"" person
Just turning your head off and letting someone take care of you sometimes is a fundamental human need. If being somebody's pet for the afternoon helps you do that, right on.
(I may be biased since I am a big fan myself)