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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/m__s on 2023-09-27 08:36:58.
Most of you probably don't remember, but some time ago, I asked about the recovery time and return to some semblance of cycling shape after ACL reconstruction.
So, in April, I underwent ACL reconstruction. At first, I thought that if I could even get on a bike in 2023, it would be a success for me. However, good preparation and solid training unexpectedly led me to spend my vacation in the Alps in August.
In fact, after 4 months post-surgery, I managed to ride one of the biggest alpine classics without feeling any pain. I didn't feel like I was in the best shape of my life, but the most important thing was that I had a great time without any pain.
In general, my post is meant to uplift all those who are injured or recovering from surgery. It just goes to show that if you really want something badly enough, you can (usually) achieve it.
Every body is different, and everyone heals in their own way.
btw. apart from Alps on the last day of our trip we went to the Dolomites for one more ride. That day we did an amazing loop with 163km - 4280m of eleveation. The funny thing is that after riding in Alps, it felt really easy.
If you are interested about more details I posted some more photos on my blog: