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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/Marathona on 2023-09-27 17:43:15.
Hey, I’m relatively new to cycling (started in 2022) and during this time I’ve spent a lot of time indoors throughout the colder parts of the year. I’ve noticed that when I’m cycling indoors the effort is a lot easier internally (much lower heart rate, breathing is easy) than outdoors and I have a difficult time being able to push in the same way as I’m able to outdoors.
Muscularly the effort feels somewhat similar, but the power is much lower and heart rate is 20-30 bpm lower. Sometimes it doesn’t really feel like I went for a bike ride coming off the trainer. A typical session is usually around 90 minutes but has ranged anywhere from 60 on the low end and 3 hours on the highest.
From what I’ve read, most people have the opposite experience.
I understand there are major differences like wind, stability of the bike, real hills, etc.
As a side note - I use Zwift and don’t just do flat routes, use the same bike for both activities.
If anyone has any insight or thoughts here, I’d surely welcome it!
Thank ya