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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/Pretend_Juice_3039 on 2023-09-30 20:45:40.
I have decided that the most dangerous drivers for cyclists to encounter are 70+. Today I was riding on a one way neighborhood street (going about 18mph in a 25 zone) and a car began to tail gate and honk at me aggressively. i thought there was some kind of emergency he was warning me about. I stopped off to the side and he pulls up and yells that i should be on the sidewalk (there was no sidewalk) and began to drive towards me as he drove away within inches hitting my left leg. So i keep riding and stop behind him at a red light about 40 yards a up the road. at the red light he opened his door and stuck his head out and screamed “PRICK” at me and i said “it’s a neighborhood road and i am legally entitled to the whole lane”. He flipped me off and sped away. A cop this pulls up behind me and says “don’t antagonize him he’s an old man. Just get out of the way” I yelled back that he tried to hit me with his car so the cop replied “look he’s in a car and could kill you just get out of the way. I was mind blown.
Each and every time I have gotten into a conflict with a driver they are always 70+ and have absolutely no regard for the lives of others. I was hit by an elderly woman in 2015. She started balling when she saw she ran a stop sign and hit me. The police came and she told them she shouldn’t be driving and her children are trying to get her license revoked. The two cops chewed me out for not looking both ways.
Anyways rant over. I hope everyone stays safe out there.