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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/Actual-Appointment99 on 2023-09-30 13:26:01.
Hi All,
Please take this question with a pinch of salt, as I this is a nuanced topic and a bit random.
Regardless it's been an ongoing slight annoyance for me though.
I've been cycling for almost 2 decades, (mostly road) and have always been annoyed by noise from wind.
I'm sure most can relate at some level (especially those who do higher millage), but probably have never given it much thought.
I was wondering how many others have at least noticed this and interested to know how much of an annoyance / irritation this is for others?
My actual concern is the long impact to hearing over time.... I've noticed some slight tinnitus some evening in bed after a long day in the saddle, or even just a couple of hours. (the same tinnitus one might have after a night out at a pub or night club)
I'm interested to hear others feedback on this?
Of course, the wind noise at higher speed (or a windy day) is annoying but more because I can't hear my mates on a group ride.
Never noticed it and don't care.
Have the same thoughts and question but something so subtle that has never even come up in conversation.
I'm sure this must be a "thing" for pro riders (and people that love driving convertibles :-) )
Thanks All!