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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/RebelWithoutAClue on 2023-09-26 23:04:41.
We're all excited to talk to Josh Niland, so to start things off we're collecting questions early to help those with time zone and other scheduling issues. Also, we'd like to prioritize a shortlist of these questions, ranked by YOUR upvotes, to present to Josh so he can more easily hit the stuff which we've shown the strongest interest in.
In order to keep this list working, it'd help us greatly if everyone could page down all of the questions and give them a real think. We appreciate that's not how Reddit comment sections are often read, but it'll help us a lot if you could upvote a question that someone else has already posted instead of us accumulating a heap of duplicate questions which would basically split votes.
If you think a question could be slightly changed, comment in the thread of that question.
We'll go through the ad hoc list and make a clean shortlist of these questions to present to Josh. He's a very busy guy so we're trying to do our best to give him a good start to his AMA before the Reddit firehose torrent of questions starts up.
It's awesome that our avid interests in the preparation of fish can cross paths so we hope to make the most of it for everyone involved.
To learn more about our upcoming AMA: