this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2025
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Makes me reconsider installing LineageOS on my phones
If you have a supported device, GrapheneOS is the better choice because it supports relocking the bootloader with a signed ROM. This is integral to the Android security model. I don't have anything against LineageOS, just not something I recommend anyone daily drive because of the security risk.
Definitely don't install /e/OS or IodéOS because they are substantially worse for security.
Here is a comparison of Android ROMs:
Just not a fan of Pixels hardware wise
Understandable. I wish there was a secure alternative to GrapheneOS on non-pixel hardware.
AFAIK they announced their own phone.
They didn't announce it, they have plans for shipping custom hardware at some point, but they have high standards and requirements, and have trouble finding a suitable OEM partner.
Thanks for clarifying!
Some manufacturers phones' can't even install ROMs. ~Fucking samsung...~
It's a huge shame since the best phone on the market are pixels, and those are owned by google.
Fairphones seem interesting though.