this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025
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I'd argue that using dummy account is mandatory, not a preferrential choice.
If you have a phone on you with ANY of your personal data on it and a cop takes it, you should simply assume every single thing that the phone could access will end up in the hands of the proescutors to use against you.
Don't log in to ANY accounts that have ANY personal data on a phone you're taking to a protest, and sure as shit don't log in to any account that have ANY political/sociologial discussions or plans that could be used to paint you in a bad light in court.
Make new accounts for everything, and only install and log in to the very very bare minimum. This includes using your google or apple account when you set the phone up, too: google and apple have an enormous amount of data about you and if they get a subpoena for it, and there's anything anywhere that might be damning, you can bet it'll get used against you.
(As a side note: don't use anything electronic to do illegal shit either, because your other accounts could also be subpoenaed if the cops have reason to think your real google account has what they need, and most JPs will just rubber-stamp shit cops ask for anyways. If you MUST do illegal things do not use electronic devices. Meet in person, don't make notes/videos/recordings/post it on tiktok/wahtever.)