this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025
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Seems like a mixed guide generally. It's fine, just some complaints:
Ironic that this comes from the EFF. Passphrases are much better for this type of stuff, and diceware is practically the gold standard to generate
More of a small complaint, but SimpleX is probably better if you're aiming for as much security/privacy as possible.
However if you will, use and torbot for android.
I don't know too much about iCloud but i wouldn't trust apple with anything.
Here's some good alternatives:
No criticism, just FYI this is called if you'd like to know more.
I'm pretty tired so i may have missed or written BS on top, please correct me if i am.
I would go with SimpleX and start building contacts that way, especially since the model strongly encourages sharing your contact details IRL via their anonymous QR code.
Seems a good way to meet like-minded people
There are better solutions but its important to keep things simple, also.
I agree but it wouldn't hurt for some of these. Though the guide is fine as i said :)
I've not heard of diceware before. How is it? I personally use a combination of password managers and short phrases which I encrypt using a specific method in my head.
One of the best ways I'd say. There are websites that help you generate. Even bitwarden has it implemented iirc
I recommend at least a five word passphrase, with a number somewhere, and you must generate it only once, each time you regenerate anc pick the easiest password reduces the entropy.
I’m completely new to SimpleX can someone explain it? Is it a protocol, an app?
Its an app that uses no user ids at all. It's probably the most private chat app available.
For more information see