Considering last night's results, I don't expect NATO to be credible 4 years from now
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By far, the overwhelming Biden derangement syndrome factor was "transgenders exist and are in my news feed". That healthcare is available to prisoners and immigrants, means that they are all receiving gender reassignment surgeries. This is democrats fault.
The fact people can't differentiate edge cases from the norm is a general education issue. But their pushback was anemic.
General education in the US is underfunded on purpose. It's how the right have won on every issue that counts. Distracted, lazy, frightened and greedy. These are the levers the media pull to get whatever the billionaires want to happen. They tried it with Smedley Butler way back when and learned their lesson. Have the dumbass voter just do what they want with outrage. It doesn't matter who's president or who's in Congress. It matters what's on the news and who they can pay to put it there. The rest falls into place.
The Democrats also need better spokespersons. They might have better policy, but the infrastructure bill, chips act and lower drug prices will kick in during Trumps reighn.
Only 25% of students pass the civics literacy test
Americans don't fucking understand policy. Doesn't matter how you message it.
Probably why they need populist messengers. Fighting speach with more speach does not work if you are trying to have a nuanced conversation with a guy using a bullhorn.
Sure, I think you misunderstand me though. There's a century of Republicans good for economy and war, Democrats good for civil liberties and inclusion. There isn't any populist messaging available to Democrats that the Billionaire donors will allow to be printed or platformed. Look at Bernie Sanders for an example of that.