privatelife - privacy, security, freedom advocacy
This community is meant to advocate privacy, security and freedom in an concise manner, free of prejudice bias, free of politics, free of cultist thoughts.
Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. - Edward Snowden
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Yes. No privacy protections anywhere in the world protect criminal suspects from warranted surveillance. Privacy laws are only intended to protect non-suspects from unreasonable unwarranted searches.
Then why don't you go to North Korea? Or Iran? Or China. According to you, if you do nothing wrong, you won't have any problem there. And if you end up with a problem with a police there, then you're a criminal, therefore must be punished anyway.
You are quite confused. The places you list are places that do not have privacy protections for non-criminals. Europe is where a law-abiding person is least likely to be unreasonably searched or interrogated.
You are quite naive - unable to see 2 steps ahead of your own reasoning.