For you who live in the cities maybe. Personal vehicles will never be something rural people can function without.
I find it helpful to remember "Perfection is the enemy of Progress."
Exactly and it's such a minor thing to bitch about, I understand the date system frustration but over using AM/PM vs 24?
12AM is midnight. As for the other part I have this mind blowing concept for you, our culture is not the same as yours. We have our own ways of doing things, just like you.
I don't think Harry Potter needs Binary Lasers, those are scary enough in battletech
Shit, my family won't able to tell the difference regarding my grandmother's old bird, fucker was born mean
All about that Germanium based food personally
My mother interferes with radio signals.
Depends on species, ball python tend to be absolute dears but reticulated pythons at the very least hate me
She's far too large, that snake appreciates her as a heat source right now.
On their own no, but like every animal they poop and snake shit is really high in ammonia
Because unless you live underground, are blind, or live so far north or south that the day night cycle loses cohesion it's literally as easy as "Can I see daylight?" If you really want to fix it round hours out to 20-30 for easier conversion between days and smaller units, 7 day weeks? That's backwards and hard to convert mentally, make them 10 days. Months are just tied to the lunar cycle we can do better surely. Years are stuck though unless we speed up or slow the Earth's orbit. While we are at it, one time zone, if everyone is on identical clocks it'll save so many issues, I don't want to know when 21:00 is in Hong Kong, I'll just call at Universal 11:00