I now know what we have to do. We have to go into the fediverse and save nicole.
Everyone get on your L.E.M. suits and prepare to upload.
Hi, I'm Nicole! But you can call me the Fediverse Chick :D
For when you or others get nicoled.
I now know what we have to do. We have to go into the fediverse and save nicole.
Everyone get on your L.E.M. suits and prepare to upload.
Wtf is this whole thing
Good question.
Still waiting for my turn to get Nicoled.
Edit: Apparently theres a work address on the frendica profile, a Fortinos. Someone should go take a look.
I think someone living in the Toronto area should see if they can get the police or other professionals to look into this.
I hope this is resolved and, if this has stolen and repurposed photos of some person, the perpetrator is penalized.
This is hyper-fuckin-weird.
Feels more like cyberbullying rather than stalking.
Doxxing maybe. I censored the address because of that.
She's either autistic or the victim of some kind of obsessional person. Imagine a friendship or relationship ending and you use the photos and personal info you have to... Make the person a laughing stock? Ruin their reputation? Make them a cult weirdo? All without this person knowing. Or maybe the plan is for her to find out eventually? I think she looks eastern European.
This left me thinking. What if the person behind this actually has nudes of her, but is waiting for critical mass or even her identity to come up before extortion? She could be getting blackmailed already for all we know, "look, every day more and more people are getting familiar with your looks... Would be a shame if those nudes got leaked"
Same thought. This seems more likely. Especially with new photos being dropped in different clothes.
Polish, perhaps?
Yes! Now you said it she looks very similar to a polish woman I know.
is her name Nicole? does she live in Toronto?
No, wrong name, she's married and has lighter hair. Her facial features are very similar though, and I think unusual for england.
In the message it says she is a Polish girl so pretty much confirmed
Oh right, I'd forgotten that. Still, I guess it means something that she looks polish.
If it was a plan to ruin their reputation, why on lemmy where there are like 4 people?
Also how is this possibly ruining their reputation? it's not sexually suggestive, links don't work, and it's plain obvious whoever is in the photo is also not the person sending the messages
Let’s say you had something compromising on someone. There’s so much smut out there that that alone might not be “fun” enough to torture your target with. It’d probably get lost in all the noise of the internet.
If you instead, spread their image in an ARG style campaign, you’ve now got an entire forum of people who would identify the compromising material as “Nicole.”
There’s entire creators online that focus on internet oddities. If you really wanted to torture someone, you could make their face specifically known for a separate reason (here, cover is a romance scam that goes nowhere.)
I’m not saying this is happening here. But if you truly wanted to harass someone and gain coercive control over them, this would be a pretty effective way to do that without sharing the compromising payload.
Which, we might consider this might be a coercion tactic towards the victim in addition to a targeted harassment.
As in, “See look all these people know your face now. They’re all looking for you. Do what I want and I won’t share the compromising material.”
Lack of censorship?
I was inclined to believe it could be a pig-butchering scam, but your theory is just as plausible. One of the reasons I'll never post photos online.
If some kind of money based scam was going on, the perpetrator would be a criminal. This way, are they a criminal? Is impersonation with no financial gain or fraud a crime? It's like revenge porn but there's no porn. What wrongdoing is being committed under the law?
It seems to depend on location, but from what I could find, impersonation does go against the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 which is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Unless the account owner is using a VPN, it's possible the instance administrators could see where the account owner is based via IP. If it is against the law where the account owner is based, the authorities could contact the account owner's ISP. Under certain conditions the ISP may tell the authorities exactly which address held that IP at a given time.
Bunch of random racists
This tracks
Nah I have another theory.
It’s not a scam but a lousy attempt to create the Fediverse ARG (alternate reality game).
But the poor creator keeps getting blocked 😞
I've had DMs from Nicole40 and Nicole76 in the past 24 hours, and just plain Nicole about a week ago. What an oddity.
Lucky you, I only ever had one Nicole message so far.
LoL, yeah, we're seeing a lot of each other.
I got another friendica in my latest one: https://friendica.namestaci.cz/profile/fediversechick/profile
Seems like she got banned from her own discord server, it seems.
Can we assume that the pics are from the twitch?
They feel more taken from a Zoom call, especially given how lower energy they are.
Yea, this looks like something from a laptop webcam. It could either be from multiple calls or possibly malware taking photos. But it has to happen over an extended period of time, since the clothes change inbetween some pictures.
This latest one where she ‘S looking down looks like the background is removed poorly too—which tracks with zoom.
Does she actually have a Twitch account? Or is it another fake account?
I've gotten 3 more DMs in the past 2 days
I think she hasn't streamed yet. Or just one time. There are too many pictures for just one stream.
OK so how do we find who the photo is. Any foss ai program that I can easily use to build a face recognition database and deploy across all the open webcams in the world?
Has anyone tried to reverse image search?
I finally got my first Nicole message. I think I've got a shot!
Can this just be Ai bot training
Can you elaborate on how this could be AI training? Maybe an AI trained on the responses people give in the DMs (not that that would be useful whatsoever)
No I can't. I'm not the most tech literate. But yes, that's what I was wondering. Not like corporate Ai, but abusing it to make bots more efficient.
I've gotten Nicole twice, both different images and slight change in details. People are getting them in random order at various times