Americans should really be questioning why their institution doesn't immediately turf him out. Instead, everyone will just blame their low IQ countrymen
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"Oh yeah ? JFK said he was a Berliner, and guess what, he wasn't ! Checkmate"
A MAGA believer, probably
No, the autopsy revealed that JFK actually WAS a doughnut.
Explains why jelly filling got all over the car
Mmmmm jelly filled donuts.
It's a hole different pastry... And a mind blowing revelation.
when an actor in a movie gives the Hitler salute you don't label him as a Nazi????!!!!!
It's called acting! I am an actor!
I enjoy Sir Kingsly's performance here, but it's funny you use a still from an Iron Man movie seeing as Musk was in Iron Man 2 for a second.
Trump was also in Home Alone 2. Maybe it's a bit of a red flag when rich people squeeze themselves into movies.
Particularly sequels. π€
Musk: Hail Hydra!
American discourse is a neverending pit of bullshit. People will defend a lie to their deaths.