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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/Top_Consequence_9824 on 2023-09-30 13:30:40.
Yesterday I got hit while cycling to the the store by a truck. I didn’t have a helmet on and hit my head pretty hard, worst concussion of my life. I blacked out when the truck hit me for about 2 minutes. Next thing I knew people were carrying me off the road to a chair. I had a huge piece of glass in my left thigh. My right hand is pretty badly battered. But, somehow no broken bones and nothing going on internally. Spent the whole day in a Costa Rican hospital getting stitches. They took really good care of me but didn’t look at my head or X-Ray my hand at all. I am concerned about having blacked out and looking for someone to help reassure me about the long term effects that may result from such head trauma. Overall feeling lucky to be alive. People that heard the incident thought that a tree had fallen. I never got to see the truck that crashed into me. It’s hard to know what exactly happened.