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The original was posted on /r/cycling by /u/Caffeine_Library on 2023-10-04 09:33:45.
Hi just got a new (used) road bike 54cm for my 5'7 height. Ive had to bring the seat down from the previous owner whos 5'9, but my cylcing friends are criticising my (proud to own) bike for the handlebars being slightly above the seat.
Ive tried progessivly slamming the stem but im finding its either got to be totally down or totally up for comfort, the inbetween positions cause odd backpain. even with the stem all the way down its marginally below the saddle. I cant get the seat comfortably any higher without reaching for the peddles; IDK if its just me, IDK if my legs are shorter than average and i dont go around comparing leg length.
At this point im debating buying an angled stem just to meet the the recommendations of my local bike shop to have a handlebar well below my stem. Figured id reach out and hear your feedback, what do you think, should i leave it high like a moutain bike or drop it below the seat?