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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/FuzzCod on 2023-09-30 11:13:15.
Hi so I wanted to make somewhat of a Neapolitan pizza at home for the first time.
I used the Stadler calculator (
428g Caputo Tipo 00 flour which has a minimal 12 hour rise time
265g water
8.6g salt
1.1g dry yeast, was hard to measure since my scale wan't that accurate. Did around 3/4 of a teaspoon
Did the water in a bowl, added the salt. Mixed it so that the salt disolved.
Added 10% of the flour, mixed it. Added the yeast. Mixed it. Later added the remaining flour.
Was working the dough for 20 minutes, and placed a damp towel on it for 2 hours.
2 hours later created 3 balls. Now 10 hours at room temperature (22 celcius) they have sank in. What did I do wrong, was there not enough yeast?
I knew it wasn't going to be perfect for the first time but this is really demotivating since I probably can't use them anymore. They also feel a bit "wet" and sticky.
All help is welcome.