Videos of tradespeople and craftspeople skillfully performing their work

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This community is a space for curated high-quality video content that showcases the talent and skills of trades-persons and crafts-persons as they...

founded 1 year ago
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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/ABigRedBall on 2024-03-19 10:09:40.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/drdvna on 2024-03-24 04:49:13.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/Flopsey on 2024-03-08 00:45:40.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/greythicv on 2024-03-02 20:26:34.

[If a mod could add a better flair, none were appropriate for this post but I had to choose one]

Sergio Calvo is a professional miniature artist from Spain, please go check him out if you like, all of his works are absolutely mind blowing, keep in mind many of these models are only between 32mm-75mm in size.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/zipeater on 2024-03-01 03:32:18.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/WornOutShovel on 2024-02-27 19:57:58.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/gomen-wudu on 2024-02-27 03:31:21.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/drdvna on 2024-02-22 20:10:11.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/ShlawsonSays on 2024-02-22 00:23:44.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/wowlolcat on 2024-02-21 11:35:36.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/sergeiauto on 2024-02-20 02:04:37.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/leducdeguise on 2024-02-15 21:33:12.

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The original was posted on /r/artisanvideos by /u/frigg_off_lahey on 2024-02-12 21:12:04.

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